Hellobee Classifieds


for sale: Bum Genius 4.0 (3 diapers)

3 Bum Genius 4.0 diapers (have 2 green and 1 blue left), used approximately twice (MAYBE not even that much - once Hubs came across his first cloth diaper poop we were donezo with them). The pics show the inside of one diaper, but they are all completely pristine on the inside and the inserts are all snow white as well. They come with everything they came with - both newborn and one size inserts.

I'd like $10 each for them plus shipping.

  1. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    Let me ask DH!

  2. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    Can you figure shipping to Iowa?

  3. AprilK

    apricot / 391 posts

  4. AprilK

    apricot / 391 posts

    @Ash: I think shipping would be $9

  5. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    I'll take them! I'm at work but when I get a chance I'll pm you my paypal address.

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