Trying to downsize the boy stash to make room for the girl stash and offset my costs.
4.0 pockets: Buy all 3 for $15 total.
Freetimes: buy 2 for $20 or all 4 for $36.
GUC: PUL, fleece, and snaps are all great, the elastics still have stretch, but they probably have about a year until they need to be replaced and they wouldn't fit a itty bitty baby. Totally willing to send videos of the elastics or more pics via email or wall.
VGUC Applecheeks pockets, Size 1 fits from 7 - 20lbs.
Take a print & a solid for $20 together, or all 4 together for $35. Good PUL/elastics/fleece, no stink/stains. The light blue is a more pilly than the other 3 but still good.