Hellobee Classifieds


looking: honest company discount code

We're trying to transition into cloth but right now we're using honest dipes cuz pampers leaked. Anyone have a discount code they'd share?

  1. pinkcupcake

    cantaloupe / 6751 posts

    I recently used NETTED20 to get 20% off my order

    You can also use Pm15off50 for $15 off your $50 order.

  2. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @pinkcupcake: Thanks!

  3. bunnylove08

    grapefruit / 4442 posts

    @Ash: we use to use honest but they started to get expensive, I would highly recommend target brand. My dd has very sensitive skin and does very well with their diapers. They don't use chemical gel and they are chlorine free

  4. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @bunnylove08: the first pack I got for 10 bucks but I can't see spending $20 just to have sposies on hand. I was gonna try 7th generation. Any experience? They're just gonna be for outings/have on hand for laundry days. I'll look into target brand!

  5. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @Ash: I was just going to chime in and say Honest leaked for us, and we really liked baby naturecare in the early days, and seventh generation after 6 months (didn't try them when he was younger). I think Target is starting to carry them?

  6. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @scg00387: honest hasn't leaked for us in the 5 days we've been home but darned they're pricey. Did you like the 7th gen dipes? They're sold out at our target so I'll be having my mom pick them up for us. I'm slightly nervous to start cloth today!

  7. bunnylove08

    grapefruit / 4442 posts

    @Ash: we used seventh generation and also earths best, between the two I thought seventh gen was better than earths best. I had some damp onesies with earths best

    If you have target cartwheel you can also get 5% off the diapers and if you have a red card an extra 5%

  8. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @Ash: yep we use a seventh gen overnight or when we travel! I like them. Dive into cloth!! It's not as intimidating as it seems:)

  9. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @bunnylove08: Thanks!

    @scg00387: Thank you! We're pretty much out of sposies so I really will be diving in. Yikes!

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